by Leszczynska


I'm an artist and freelance animator living in Edinburgh, Scotland.
For the portfolio of my work visit:



There was an idea behind this, until my friend Zane came around and the drinking started again. Then it became just another doodle of colourful things.

I never thought I'd say that, but damn, it's too sunny recently. I only have windows in the roof where I live on the top floor, and I'm not even sure how to cover them.

I've been actually animating a bit recently (sadly, it seems that I need to start working again), meaning: on paper, with a peg bar and stuff. It feels funny, I don't even have a desk, just a coffee table. Not having anywhere to line test I had to flip things to kind of see them. Proper 'back to the roots' fun with cider and spiders. I'll go to the Edinburgh college and get on their rostrum some time to check it, but it will be fine. My ego's too big to doubt it.

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