the worst thing about my new flat is that just outside, 5 meters away, I can buy four cans of my favourite lager for £5.50. I can get it for £4.00 if I go a bit further (but that's a proper 20 minute walk). The second bad thing about my new flat is that it's so warm that I can't drink tea like I normally would, I have to have cold fizzy drinks. There comes the lager. Since I moved in my consumption of it grew around five times… The third bad thing about my new flat are seagulls, I only moved like 3 miles towards the seaside, and there's so many of them, so loud between 4-7 n the morning. But I've been told I would get used to that soon and I won't hear them at all.
All the other things about my new flat are good so far. I even found out how to turn
my letting agency's screw-up that led to me not having warm water (two weeks a counting now) to my advantage.
I'm doing some intense bar work at the moment (really intense, Edinburgh during the festival, oh yes my darlings, the world is unpleasant for those coming back from work after 6am, by the time I wake up and get ready, places are closing already), and soon I am to hopefully do some intense model-making work. I'm really looking forward to that, but it's a shush-shush-secret now (let's not jinx things). In case you didn't know (I didn't, it only came to my attention few weeks ago), I have become a stop-motion animator in this severe times of the recession. Haha.
my hair really grew quite a bit while I wasn't looking. The ones on my head.